Heat dynamic study of ecology (Ecology) a/the relation (construction work during)

Ģ G=Ģ H-T Ģ S (the free energy of a/the cast)

) To live as (a/the human being that people are able to live happily
To prosper) to a/the descendant continual 200 also in (100 also in
Succession to a/the descendant is filled
Succession etc. of the production (the maintenance of the family), culture of a/the person
To live

The cost of production of labor
K: maintain the possibility energy (Keep Onself Energy) that

Human1-Human2-Humanj/on Social

B: biological energy (Biological Energy)
Maintenance energy 1 (HB1) of biological Human1 (H1)
Maintenance energy 2 (HB2) of biological Human2 (H2)
Maintenance energy i (HBi) of biological Humani (Hi)

R: maintenance energy R (Relational Energy) of relation
Maintenance energy HR12 of the relation between H1 and H2
Maintenance energy HR1i of the relation between H1 and Hi

Energy S (Social Energy) that lives in S: a/the society
Social energy HS1 of H1
Social energy HS12 of a/the H1-H2 complex
Social energy HS1i of a/the H1-Hi complex

B`R`S includes each factor as a/the function mutually

K1=HB (1)+HR (1)+HS (1)
Ki=HB (i)+HR (i)+HS (i)

B1=ƒ° (i=1, i) HB1i
R1=ƒ° (i=1, i) HR1i
S1=ƒ° (i=1, i) HS1i
